Is 'Seinfeld's' Michael Richards Asking For Forgiveness For that Racist Rant, So He Can Sell Books?

Should we forgive Michael Richards, the actor who played Cosmo Kramer on ‘Seinfeld,’ for his 2006 N-word rant?

Lately, Richards has been busy “’splaining” his nearly two-decades-old racist outburst – seemingly not out of remorse, but to sell books.

Between 1989 and 1998, Richards, now 74, played an off-beat character on the sitcom. Kramer was a little crazy but harmless, so it was jarring, even shocking, to see a video of Richards yelling racial slurs at a Black audience member during his stand

Even With Trump Convicted, His 'Mini-Trumps' Still Make Him Dangerous to Black People

Donald Trump just became the first former U.S. president to be found guilty of a felony, having been convicted of all 34 counts of his hush money trial on Thursday afternoon.

However, the law of the land says he’s still eligible to be elected to a second presidential term and his supporters will certainly be out in full force to support him on November 5, leaving many Democrats scratching their heads, wondering how it’s possible that Trump is a viable candidate for president following a convict

Why Confederate Sympathizers at Virginia School District Are Proof Dangerous Times Are Ahead for Black People

Not long ago, there was a powerful unifying moment after the nation witnessed a white police officer murder George Floyd on May 25, 2020.

We saw an unusual groundswell of support for social justice from white allies and corporate titans who pledged to join the struggle for racial equality.

The momentum for change has all but disappeared in the face of a white supremacists counter-offensive.

Confederacy culture runs deep and – if we’re not careful – could turn back the clocks.

Y’all Need to Stop Calling Trump 'Dumb'...He’s Dangerous For Black Folks

Most people agree that Donald Trump isn’t the brightest star in the constellation: Even the former president’s handpicked cabinet members – people who worked closely with him – have literally called him “stupid.”

Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump “acted like, and had the understanding of, a fifth- or sixth-grader,” according to veteran journalist Bob Woodward’s book, “Fear: Trump in the White House.”

Michael Wolff’s book “Fire and Fury” quotes Trump’s former economic adviser Gar

Why Black Men are Fed Up with Joe Biden and the Democrats

Charlamagne Tha God succinctly summed up his frustration with the Democratic Party during a recent interview with Politico.

“I’m not looking for my politicians to be pure…I’m looking for my politicians to be effective,” he declared.

It’s a sentiment he’s echoed to the millions of listeners on his popular show “The Breakfast Club:” Black men are frustrated with the Democrats and President Joe Biden. We believe the Democrats are wasting time and energy telling us what we already know about Donald Trump, when instead, they should focus on delivering their promises to our community.

What Black People Say About O.J. Simpson When White People Aren't Around

In a viral TikTok video, user @xiandivyne admitted that he only says O.J. Simpson was guilty of the double murder that made him go from famous to infamous around other Black people.

“He’s the only Black man that the justice system has ever let slip through like that,” he said.

But around white people, he doesn’t defend Simpson. Instead, he listens to their views. It’s a “racism litmus test” to find out who among them is not to be trusted.

A woman admitted she vigorously argues to non-Blac

Howard University’s New President, Using His Unique Background for Unique Times at ‘The Mecca’

“We're doing more apartment-style living, affordable housing that our students, faculty, staff, and community members can access. We're in the middle of all that and will be for several more years. So that's something that Howard is turning the page on,” he said.

“I helped work with the greater Baltimore community and Hopkins in a critical moment, and I helped other professors with their own work and students,” he recalled. “This type of work is so meaningful in the ways that you can make other

Israel-Hamas War: An Explainer About This Battle, the Key Players and What’s Really At Stake

The news has been inundated since last week with updates from the war between Israel and Hamas. The situation is dire, destructive, and dangerous, but it can also be confusing because there's so much information flying around that it can be hard to decipher what’s true and what's false. Plus, not everyone in the U.S. is aptly familiar with the history of the area and the conflict of its people.

This conflict is not new and the situation is escalating each day with no clear end in sight. Voices

How The Black And Missing Foundation Shines A Spotlight On Otherwise Ignored Missing Black People

Last month, about a few dozen people distributed fliers in Cleveland’s Slavic Village neighborhood with a photo and description of Keshaun Williams, a 15-year-old, 5-foot-7-inch, 130-pound teenager. Kee, as his family and friends call him, went missing on June 17. That night, Kee called his mother to say he was on his way home from a house party but never arrived.

“These are our mothers and fathers, our children, our neighbors who are disappearing at an alarming rate,” Wilson said. “Media cover

Barber-Scotia College’s New President Charts A Course For Revitalization For The HBCU After Years Of Decline

In 2000, Barber-Scotia, founded by the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. shortly after the Civil War to educate Black women, later becoming co-ed, borrowed $12 million from the federal government. But the college defaulted on the loan five years after it lost accreditation in 2004, which caused enrollment to plummet and the school to spiral down an abyss.

It doesn’t help that the school has been $460,000 in debt to Concord, N.C., for tearing down dilapidated structures a decade ago, and a contenti

Sen. Chuck Schumer Celebrates Hip-Hop’s 50th Anniversary And Tells Why He’s A Fan

He was also an important ally in the long struggle of Herc and others to save hip-hop’s birthplace when the landlord wanted to sell the building to developers. The majority leader also noted that he used his influence to contribute $5 million of federal funding to support the construction of the Universal Hip Hop Museum in the Bronx.

“The past half-century has proven that the message is the power,” the ‘Bridge is Over’ rapper told in a statement. "The truth born from the community room

How A Father’s Tragedy Moved Him To Launch A Black Maternal Health Movement

In the fall of 2019, Amber Rose Isaac and Bruce McIntyre III saw a bright future ahead with endless possibilities. Isaac was just a few credits away from earning her master’s degree, and McIntyre was working on Wall Street in New York. What brought them the most joy was that the couple was pregnant and expecting their first child together in the spring.

Unfortunately, Isaac’s story is all too common. Black women are three times more likely than white women to die from a pregnancy-related cause,

Solving The Problem Of Capital Access To Black Entrepreneurs

Jewel Burks Solomon recalled the uphill climb she had when building her tech company. The biggest challenge was getting investors to believe that she and her majority Black team had the ability to win in a competitive marketplace to make a profit. Unlike scores of other Black-owned enterprises, Solomon succeeded despite the obstacles.

“We were thinking about what is the next problem that we want to solve. And for all of us, the answer was around access to capital for Black entrepreneurs,” Solom

Explainer: What To Know About The Sudan Conflict That Created A Humanitarian Crisis

The conflict in Sudan between rival generals has killed or injured hundreds and displaced more than a million people as ceasefire promises have failed to materialize.

Even the youngest Sudanese are paying the ultimate price in the power struggle. Over the past six weeks, at least 60 children died inside an orphanage while fighting raged across the capital city Khartoum, The Guardian reported. Orphanage and humanitarian workers on the ground said 26 children, including 3-month-old infants, died over two days (May 26-27), mostly from fever and a lack of food.

Fighting first erupted April 15 across Khartoum and a few other cities...

Tim Scott Announces Presidential Bid: 5 Policy Positions He's Taken In Congress

GOP Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina officially stepped into the ring Monday (May 22) to square off against several other candidates vying for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination. As a presidential candidate, the conservative Black Republican is now under national scrutiny over his policy positions and views on race in America. During his time in Congress, Scott has often opposed policies that many in the Black community favor...

How Taraji P. Henson Is Helping To Boost HBCU Mental Health With ‘She Care Wellness Pods’

Alabama State University senior Diamond Richard is making great strides toward achieving her goal of entering medical school and becoming an OB-GYN physician. But it hasn’t been easy because of the mental health problems she battled from her freshman year, Richard told

She’s far from alone. The African American community is quietly facing a mental health crisis, with Black youth and young adults taking the brunt of it. Yet we seek and receive treatment for depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems at a lower rate than Whites.

Fortunately for Richard and other ASU students, Taraji P. Henson’s Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation, in partnership with the Kate Spade New York, brought free mental health resources to the campus in April with its delivery of “She Care Wellness Pods.” ...

How The Black Press Is Surviving The Newspaper Industry’s Decline

It’s no secret the newspaper industry is in crisis. Competition from both the internet and television have for years taken away market share from all but the widest circulation publications. Among journalists it is a constant conversation, especially in times of major media layoffs and cutbacks. In fact, a 2022 report shows a 52 percent decline in newspaper revenue between 2002 and 2020.

But the challenges are nothing new for Black-owned papers that, like our community, have always found ways to survive challenging times.

“I wish I could say we were impacted more by the newspaper crisis, Denise Rolark Barnes, publisher of The Washington Informer, told “But I have to go back to when my father was publishing the weekly newspaper. One of the things that he used to always say is, at times, it felt like a “w-e-a-k-l-y,” Rolark Barnes said, highlighting her dad’s play on words to make a point about the challenges he faced...

Ed Gordon Returns To BET: Former Anchor Talks About His Career, Personality Behind The Camera

Over the years, Ed Gordon has showcased his ability to delve into complicated issues that matter to our community, in a career spanning decades. But he didn’t set out to become a journalist.

As a kid in Detroit, Gordon said he was mesmerized by television lawyers who won their cases in dramatic courtroom scenes. But while his mind was set on becoming an attorney, his heart was elsewhere.

“There was just something about being a storyteller. I've always been one of those people who tells a fairly good story. Everybody at the family reunion would say, ‘Skip (his nickname), tell that story,’” he said, also recalling that in junior high school he and his buddies would pretend that they were local newscasters.

Later, a professor saw a talent in Gordon and encouraged him to pursue a broadcast journalism career. After graduating, he landed an unpaid internship at the local PBS affiliate in Detroit and worked his way up from there.

Ed Gordon Deep Dives Controversies Surrounding Reparations Movement

A San Francisco reparations committee caused more than a few eyebrows to raise when it recently recommended packages that include a $5 million lump sum payment to each qualified Black resident as compensation for generations of systemic racial discrimination.

If the progressive city acts on the proposal, San Francisco will become the first major U.S. city to fund reparations.

Conversations about how to redress slavery and years of government sanctioned racial discrimination, as well as recovering stolen Black-owned property are happening in Congress, state capitals, city councils and living rooms across the nation.

With the issue bubbling under the surface, former BET News anchor Ed Gordon takes a deep dive into reparations on the next episode of Black in America, which airs April 2 across BET and CBS platforms.

Majority White Legislatures Taking Control Of Predominantly Black Cities In Emerging Pattern

Earlier this month, a group of angry but peaceful protesters gathered near Capitol Hill after a Republican-led effort in Congress nullified Washington, D.C.’s criminal code reform bill.

Many of the activists were part of the Hands Off DC coalition of more than 50 organizations that demand autonomy for the district and advocate for a range of other issues, including voting rights and criminal justice reform.

“Congress overturning the bill and Biden allowing that to happen have set a dangerous precedent when it comes to justice and safety in D.C., and specifically, Black self-governance for D.C. And now they're trying to overturn another law, which is a police reform bill,” Makia Green, a co-founder of the social justice group Harriet’s Wildest Dreams, told

Could Florida’s College Anti-Diversity Bill Harm Black Sororities And Fraternities?

Florida A&M University student Robert Tucker was one of several Black fraternity and sorority members who appeared at a state legislature meeting March 13 to oppose passage of a controversial bill that many consider a existential threat to Black Greek life on college campuses.

Tucker, speaking on behalf of Omega Psi Phi founded in 1911 at Howard University, explained that Black Americans created their own Greek-lettered organizations, known as the “Divine Nine,” more than a century ago when White organizations wouldn’t allow them to join. Since then, Black sororities and fraternities have worked to uplift the Black community and engaged in the struggle for racial equality.

Many universities and colleges in Florida – both HBCUs and predominantly White institutions – have collegiate chapters of the organizations on their campuses.

Justice Department Adjusts Longstanding Drug Policy On Crack, Powder Cocaine To End Racial Disparities

For decades, civil rights activists have demanded an end to the sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine that have targeted the Black community for mass incarceration in the so-called War on Drugs.

A recent Department of Justice announcement could signal a turning point as Senate lawmakers try to hammer out a deal to ensure a permanent change.

In a memo, Attorney General Merrick Garland instructed federal prosecutors on Friday (Dec. 16) to end charging and sentencing disparities in cases involving crack and powder cocaine.
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